I know, the title is already taken. But bear with me. Let’s start with some basics. White privilege (male privilege, hetero privilege, cis privilege, age privilege, religious privilege, class privilege) isn’t about individuals. It isn’t about whether people are…
Twice this week in the wake of the news reports that Jussie Smollet may have faked a hate crime, commentators on national news cautioned about false reporting of crimes. And, yes, we all should be worried about false reporting, but…
Inside of this Catholic Church you have a Cardinal (Theodore McCarrick de-frocked from the priesthood) for raping young boys; you have priests raping nuns, then setting up sex slave rings and having them have abortions when they get pregnant; you…
Deal? $60-80 million. We remain suspicious. The NFL is a business and by settling with Reed and Kaepernick they, the league, can walk away free from having to disclose “collusion” by blocking the quarterback from earning a living. No athlete,…
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/11/us/politics/sexism-double-standard-2020.html “We know that voters will not support a woman that they do not like, even if they believe that she is qualified,” Ms. Hunter said. “But they will vote for a man that they do not like if they…
Hattery, A. J., & Smith, E. (2017). Policing Black bodies: How Black lives are surveilled and how to work for change. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 284 p., $34.00, ISBN: 978-1442276956 Reviewed by: Caroline M. Bailey, College of Criminology and…
I can’t speak for my Black friends, nor can I speak for all white people, but I can speak as a white person. And, I have decided that I must. Speak! You and I are only a few years apart…
Terry Kupers put it thus (2016:76): Solitary confinement units are the sites of some of the worst racism in prisons. Kupers, Terry. 2017. Solitary: The Inside Story of Supermax Isolation and How We Can Abolish It. University of California Press.
African Americans are over-represented among exonerations. African American men (and some women) get arrested, convicted, incarcerated then spend, 15, 24, 30 and for Ricky Jackson he spent 39 years, three months and nine days in prison for crimes they…